Working hard on my, “choosing a vintage teapot” blog post. Stay tuned. #thrifting #antiquing #teapot
Beautiful cast iron teapots at Costco. If you are…
Beautiful cast iron teapots at Costco. If you are in the market, check them out. They run about the $150 CAD
Choosing a Teapot? Make sure to read the comments….
Choosing a Teapot? Make sure to read the comments.…
Interested in tea etiquette? Check this out &…
Interested in tea etiquette? Check this out & tell me what you think of their rules. #teatime #etiquette #teaparty…
Another double tea kind of day. *sigh* Much better…
#FF @NolaBelle72 @courtneyrosee @teaddiction @Quee…
#FF @NolaBelle72 @courtneyrosee @teaddiction @QueenMary_Tea Thx for the faves, retweets & comments. You are all fabulous.
A Coke cooler at a dentist office? I’ve seen every…
A Coke cooler at a dentist office? I’ve seen everything now.
You are a company in the Netherlands, that sells C…
You are a company in the Netherlands, that sells China from England, and you only ship to Indonesia? My head hurts.
You requested it, so here it is! Apple Empanada Re…
You requested it, so here it is! Apple Empanada Recipe:…
Homemade Apple Empanada Recipe
Homeade Apple Empanada
This is the recipe for my delicious homemade apple empanadas. The ingredients will make 1 empanada, if you wish to make more than 1 simply multiply the ingredients as necessary. You may wish to brown them two at a time as more than 2 may be difficult to manage without burning.
- 1 apple empanda
Preperation Time:
- Preparation & cook time is about
20 minutes.
- 1 apple
- 1 tbsp golden yellow sugar
- 1/8 tsp cinnamon
- 2 tbsp butter or margarine
- 1/2 tbsp of confectioner’s (icing) sugar
Optional ingredients:
- 1 tbsp granola
- Peel, dice and core your apple. The pieces should be small so that they are easier to cook through.
- Place your apple, margarine or butter, golden sugar, and cinnamon in a sauce pan.
Apples, sugar, cinnamon and margarine mixture
- Cook on medium/high to let the apples soften, and cook off the juice. Stir the apples often to avoid burning. The apples will be finished cooking when you can cut them easily with a spatula.
Cooking the apple mixture
- Place your apple mixture in the tortilla and add the granola. Wrap tightly.
Wrapping the Empanada
Empanada in the pan with margerine
- Add the remaining tbsp of margarine (or butter) to a frying pan. On low heat begin to brown all sides of your tortilla; turning frequently. I recommend using tongs, so you can hold the tortilla while browning the sides. Low & slow will give you that nice brown crispy texture.
Browning the Empanada
- Finish by cutting in half and sifting the 1/2 tbsp of confectioner’s sugar over the top.
Sifting Icing sugar on top
- You can use brown sugar instead of golden yellow sugar, but I’m not a molasses fan.